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Kosovo: Educators learn that CEO of the brain develops through Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer
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4 April 2009
Holistic development of the brain—including enlivenment of the prefrontal cortex, the 'chief executive officer' (CEO) of the brain—is one of the many benefits of Consciousness-Based Education. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for crucial mental processes such as decision-making and moral reasoning.
Directors of public and private universities, school principals, and governmental leaders in Kosovo* recently had the opportunity to learn about Consciousness-Based Education from a leading expert in the field, said Raja Felix Kaegi, Raja of Invincible Kosovo for the Global Country of World Peace.
Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador of the Global Country of World Peace for Consciousness-Based Education, recently visited Kosovo as part of his tour through the Balkans.
When Dr Deans—who is also Executive Director of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa, USA—presents Consciousness Based Education to leaders and educators, he always makes reference to its importance for brain functioning, said Raja Kaegi.
He explains that the prefrontal cortex is a uniquely human part of the brain, not found in animals, Raja Kaegi said. Like the chief executive of a corporation, the prefrontal cortex is the CEO of the brain, responsible for decision-making, judgement, planning, moral reasoning, feeling of Self, and working memory.
Modern education, in its attempt to impart as much knowledge as possible to the students, 'crams' students with more and more information, often at an earlier and earlier age, creating a situation of continuous stress.
Stress can lead to functional lesions in the brain, Dr Deans explains. When the functioning of the brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, is damaged then it is possible for judgement to become poor; decision-making, planning, and moral reasoning to deteriorate; working memory to be weakened; and the individual's feeling of Self to be limited. Stress is the greatest danger to the development of the student, Dr Deans emphasizes.
The Transcendental Meditation Programme—a key element of Consciousness-Based Education—not only reduces stress, but also develops total brain functioning. The experience of 'restful alertness' during Transcendental Meditation enlivens the prefrontal cortex and its communication with other parts of the brain.
Dr Deans incorporates demonstrations of brainwave activity in his presentations, Raja Kaegi said. The demonstrations show that with the practice of Transcendental Meditation brain functioning becomes more integrated**.
Over time, this experience of 'restful alertness' and total brain functioning becomes more and more established in the student even outside of meditation***. The student enjoys increased intelligence and creativity, improved learning ability, and greater physiological stability and emotional maturity.
*Please see Global Good News article Dr Ashley Deans brings Consciousness-Based Education to Kosovo.
**Research shows greater use of the hidden or latent reserves of the brain; increased synchrony and coherence of electroencephalographic activity at diverse frequencies and cortical locations; and increased cerebral blood flow widely throughout the cortex—all of which reflect greater integration of brain functioning during Transcendental Meditation.
***'Within two or three months of the TM Technique practice, we begin to see high levels of integration of frontal brain connectivity. And interestingly, that integration does not disappear after the TM Technique practice—increasingly and over time, that orderly brain functioning is brought into daily activity. . . . And, in truth, this should be the purpose of education. Education should not just be about learning multiplication or periodic tables. It should culture integrated brain functioning as well so that you make better decisions, evaluate situations more accurately, and enjoy more of life throughout your life,' says Dr Fred Travis, Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.
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