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Students' experiences with Consciousness-Based Education in Thailand: 'Starting to feel at home with enlightenment'
by Global Good News staff writer

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18 February 2009

Students in the new BA degree programme in the Science of Creative Intelligence for Management in Thailand commented on their experiences during a recent computer class.

One of the faculty members described the class, which many students began with little knowledge of computers, and in which they all chose the same topic and format—an animated PowerPoint slide show inspiring middle school students to learn Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying to create invincibility for their country. Some students chose to create their project in their Mother Tongue.

'While they learn these practical skills,' the faculty member said, 'another development is also happening, something truly beautiful. With the integration of experience and understanding, of heart and mind, knowledge of the knower is blossoming.'

Students' comments on what they enjoyed about doing their projects, the faculty member said, 'make it clear that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's prediction for Consciousness-Based Education is being realized: The students are starting to feel at home with enlightenment.'

One student said, 'When I was learning how to use PowerPoint, my mind was fully on the parts of knowledge. When I was creating the slide show, I put the parts together bit by bit and I saw the presentation gradually become more concrete and manifest as a big Wholeness. I felt very satisfied. While I was presenting the slide show, wholeness dominated my mind, no more parts. I like this feeling of Wholeness. It is so integrated and I like the feeling of creating things from the nothingness of my Transcendental Consciousness*. It is Wholeness. From this Wholeness, I can create what I want during my daily life.'

Another student commented on the great variety of creative expressions among the class, all coming from the same infinite field of Pure Consciousness within each student: 'While making my PowerPoint slide show, I saw how every creative idea comes from the Unified Field. In our PowerPoint presentations, we all had the same main topic, we created our slide presentations from the same Unified Field, but we expressed it in many different pictures and animations. It is like Pure Consciousness—the Unified Field is one field but expresses itself in the infinite variety of the universe.'

A third student described the very fulfilling process of creating from the field of Pure Consciousness within her own awareness: 'When making my PowerPoint presentation . . . . the feeling of what I wanted to create came from Pure Consciousness* inside me. Then the process of creation was like Veda Lila, a play. The creator always wants to create more and more. When one thing was created, I felt, ''I need something more—something more and more beautiful, something more and more blissful.'' Now, I understand that the process of creating is neverending, like the ever-expanding universe.'

Global Good News will continue to report on the presentations about Consciousness-Based, Total Knowledge Based education for ladies, mothers, and girls in Thailand that was given during the Global Mother Divine Organization's** February Full Moon celebration broadcast.

* During the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, the conscious mind settles down and experiences increasingly refined levels of the thinking process, eventually going beyond thought and experiencing the silent, unbounded field of pure, Transcendental Consciousness, the basis of the mind's activity, which is the Unified Field of total Natural Law.

**The Global Mother Divine Organization, founded in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace.

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