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Groundbreaking research on Transcendental Meditation and ADHD presents new opportunity for British schools: Dr Sarina Grosswald
by Global Good News staff writer

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30 January 2009

Thanks to the wide publication of new groundbreaking research, British schools have a timely opportunity to introduce the Transcendental Meditation Programme in British schools as a means of alleviating student symptoms of ADHD.

Sarina Grosswald, EdD, a George Washington University-trained cognitive learning specialist, recently led a definitive research study measuring the effects of twice-daily practised Transcendental Meditation in middle school students with ADHD. In the study, the Transcendental Meditation practice resulted in improved attention, focus, and behaviour among students, as well as the overall effect of reduced stress levels.

With the landmark study gaining worldwide press coverage, Dr Grosswald has provided a new level of support for British schools in implementing Transcendental Meditation. This is true especially since the British Department of Health has recently issued a statement discouraging medication as a frontline approach to ADHD because of hazardous side effects, and indicating therapeutic and behavioral treatments as more appropriate for treatment of the disorder.

'Dr Grosswald was extremely helpful in drawing our attention to this Department of Health statement,' commented Raja Peter Warburton, Raja of Great Britain for the Global Country of World Peace, on 27 January 2009. 'She encouraged us to take this opportunity, with her research just coming out', to respond to the tremendous need of schools to implement the Transcendental Meditation Programme, to help students and teachers overcome the challanges of ADHD.

Raja Peter went on to note that, just as in the United States, British schoolchildren are showing increasing signs of stress. 'One million British schoolchildren have been diagnosed with some psychological disorder,' he said, 'while 4% of boys and 1% of girls are reported to have ADHD.'

Dr Grosswald has volunteered to speak to British press to answer any questions about her research. Raja Peter said, 'We're all greatly indebted to Sarina for the initiative she's taken in Great Britain.'

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