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Secondary schools in Belgium looking to Transcendental Meditation Programme to improve quality of education, student life
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 January 2009

Several secondary schools in Belgium have expressed interest in implementing the Transcendental Meditation Programme into their curricula.

On 20 January 2009, Dr Stijn Vandenbosch, National Director of Belgium for the Global Country of World Peace, reported interest from the assistant headmaster of a secondary school of over 1,000 students. This administrator, he said, is in charge of exploring opportunities for improving the quality of education and student life, and was interested in having students learn the Transcendental Meditation Programme, for the benefit of both the school and the entire nation.

'The number of Yogic Flyers necessary in Belgium to achieve national invincibility is only 350,' explained Dr Vandenbosch. 'With a student body of 1,000, it will be easy to achieve that number, even if only a fraction of the students learn.'

Dr Vandenbosch also reported a meeting with the leader of a school group of over 6,000 students. The leader was very enthusiastic about the effects of Transcendental Meditation—both immediate effects for the nation, and the long-term effects for the individual. In addition to these two school administrators, another headmaster will soon meet with Dr Vandenbosch to discuss the prospect of introducing the technique into a school curriculum.

'As soon as one of these schools fully accepts our offer, we can immediately begin teaching Transcendental Meditation to students, with hopes of forming a group of 350 as soon as possible,' said Dr Vandenbosch in closing.

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