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Northern Ireland: Great success of Consciousness-Based Education - New school to be established
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 October 2008

The National Director of Northern Ireland for the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Andrea Gribben, recently reported on the great success of Consciousness-Based Education in Northern Ireland and plans for expansion, including an initiative to establish a new school for 300 students.

Please also see Part I, Part II, and Part III of this article.

Enriching the Stress-Free Schools programme
Continuing her presentation on the Maharishi Global Family Chat 16 October, Dr Gribben reported plans to expand and enrich the Stress-Free Schools programme. Some students participating in the programme will also soon have the opportunity to learn about Maharishi Vedic Architecture. They will not only learn the principles, but they will also have the chance to experience perfect Vastu by visiting the site of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, which is to be built in Belfast, and also Dr Gribben's home.

Praise from officials and teachers
Expansion of Consciousness-Based Education will also be facilitated by education officials who have also learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique (TM). There are now several 'who can speak of the many benefits of Transcendental Meditation from personal experience' and who recommend Consciousness-Based Education programmes, Dr Gribben reported. One such official, Dr Gribben said, is in charge of helping students with ADHD* (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and plans to make use of the programme for her students.

In addition, there are school teachers who speak highly of the programme from their own experience, Dr Gribben said. 'The teachers at the secondary school where we have taught [Transcendental Meditation] are so delighted and they keep thanking us. I keep hearing the same thing time after time from school teachers. They always say: ''We do our best''—and they do—we have wonderfully dedicated school teachers in Northern Ireland. But they keep repeating: ''There's something missing, there's something we are not giving to our children.'' And now they're saying, ''This is it, it's Transcendental Meditation—this is the missing something we were not giving to our children.'' '

Dr Gribben noted that because the schools utilizing Consciousness-Based Education are in such high-stress areas, everyone is 'absolutely astonished at the success of our programme'.

New Consciousness-Based school to be established
In addition to the Consciousness-Based Education programmes offered in existing schools, Dr Gribben also plans to establish a school for 300 students who will have the opportunity to practise Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying together twice daily.

'We will soon begin building, and we envision that our first students will come from the [primary] schools in the area where we are already implementing our Stress-Free Schools programme,' she said.

The new website, may also generate interest and support for the new school, Dr Gribben said. The website features information about the Tower of Invincibility, the new school, and the Stress-Free Schools programme.

*For more information about the benefits of Transcendental Meditation for ADHD visit: Questions and Answers about ADHD and the Transcendental Meditation Programme

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