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Northern Ireland: Great success of Consciousness-Based Education
by Global Good News staff writer
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23 October 2008
The National Director of Northern Ireland for the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Andrea Gribben, recently reported on support for the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility which is to be built in Belfast, and the great success of Consciousness-Based Education in Northern Ireland. Dr Gribben, with her husband, Dr Gerald Gribben, has taken great responsibilty for realizing these projects and establishing all of Maharishi's programmes to create national invincibility.
Tower of Invincibility
Speaking on the Maharishi Global Family Chat 16 October, she said that those focussed on bringing Maharishi's programmes to the nation were delighted on Victory Day of this year 'to hear Raja Harris Kaplan speak about the Golden Book* and how Belfast is mentioned in it'. The Golden Book records the great events of Victory Day 2007, including laying of the foundation stone for the Belfast Tower of Invincibility. Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America, and renowned filmmaker Dr David Lynch attended the ground-breaking ceremony.
The land for the Tower of Invincibility 'is on the ''Peace Line''** between the Protestant Unionist side and the Catholic Nationalist side,' Dr Gribben said. She noted that this is a challenging region in which to gain the support of the local people and the local community leaders. However, Dr Gribben has held several meetings, and the initiative has met with interest and support.
Stress-free schools programme
Just before Dr David Lynch arrived last year, Dr Gribben said, 'I was contacted by a newspaper reporter who wished to do an interview with [Dr Lynch] while he was here.' Dr Gribben sent the reporter information on their Stress-Free Schools programme. In response, the reporter recommended two schools—one for boys and one for girls—each with 1,000 students, that she thought would be interested in the programme.
After the David Lynch event last year, two of the teachers from one of the schools learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique. Within the last two weeks, Dr Gribben continued, two classes at the school have learned the technique, so there are a total of 30 people in the school now practising Transcendental Meditation twice a day. 'And we're getting some quite remarkable results,' she added.
'Since the visit of both Dr Lynch and Dr Ashley Deans, [Ambassador of the Global Country of World Peace for Consciousness-Based Education, and Executive Director Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment] last year, we have also taught an additional hundred students and teachers in a large college and two [other] schools as well,' Dr Gribben said.
Global Good News will feature the continuation of Dr Gribben's presentation in the coming days.
*Golden Book: Please see Global Good News article Presentation of 'Golden Book' of achievements - Ireland, Canada
**Peace Line: One of many walls separating Protestant and Catholic areas. The Belfast Peace Line consists of a series of barriers separating the city's communities and has long been a powerful symbol of unresolved sectarian divisions, and of the long history of conflict in the province; it is felt to be an appropriate setting for the Tower of Invincibility, from where peace and invincibility will be created for Belfast and all of Northern Ireland.
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