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Consciousness-Based Education: Key to the ultimate treasury--latent human brain potential
by Global Good News staff writer
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8 October 2008
Dr Alarik and Dr Cynthia Arenander continue to report on their current six-week tour of northern India, speaking about the Maharishi Cultural Festival held at the Maharishi Centre for Educational Excellence in Bhopal.
Dr Alarik Arenander continued to explain that during their presentations, 'not only do people see the reality of Maharishi's programme and that the power of the simple experience of Atma [the Self] generates maximum brain orderliness and coherence, but speaking in India is very different from Western audiences. We can say very boldly, ''Now it is time to stop thinking about it and just waiting, and to begin Transcendental Meditation immediately.'' ' People then hand in their names and request a time to learn the technique. 'People are very easy and willing to just move forward, because they recognize what is happening.'
Dr Arenander also spoke about the Maharishi Centre for Educational Excellence in Bhopal, where Maharishi Vidya Mandir students came from all over India for several days to participate in the Maharishi Cultural Festival. 'It was an absolutely marvellous time, and walking around the Centre you feel you're in some major ''wonder of the world'',' he said.
'Not only is the campus perfect Vastu, but Dr Girish Varma* and all his helpers have made it an absolutely enchanted place to dwell. It feels like you are in Heaven on Earth; everything is provided for you, and all the students, staff, and faculty there are just having a heavenly life.'
Dr Cynthia Arenander added that 'it feels like you're living in Maharishi's dream come true'.
During this cultural event, they made presentations to thousands of students and other visitors to the festival. These presentations made everyone very familiar with their own human brain, and inspired great appreciation for how Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education allows them to have the key to the 'ultimate treasury'—the key to open up all that latent brain potential. 'By the end they would come up to us and touch their heart, and say what a great experience it was for them to have foreigners come and talk to them about their tradition,' said Dr Cynthia.
Dr Alarik said that at the Maharishi School in Indore, the young students were enthralled for an hour or more learning about Maharishi's knowledge; the brain and how to develop total brain functioning; why there is enlightenment; and seeing special graphics. The principal and faculty were actually surprised that such a large number of students would be that engaged.
Dr Alarik showed slides of four brothers, 'who are just walking saints', and who own a private school with 700 students. These brothers want all the students to start Transcendental Meditation very soon; they have also been instrumental in many of the large building projects in India.
* Dr Girish Varma is National Director of the Global Country of World Peace for Veda Bhumi Bharat—India, land of the eternal Vedic Tradition of knowledge. He is also Minister of Higher Education of the Global Country of World Peace, Director-General of the Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan [geographical centre] of India, Chairman of the 160 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group, and President of the Maharishi Institutes of Management and Information Technology, in India.
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