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Invincibility for Italy through the introduction of Transcendental Meditation in five schools
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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19 October 2007
Dr Mariano Facipieri, Raja of Italy for the Global Country of World Peace, spoke recently on the Maharishi Channel about the success of the tour in Italy of Dr David Lynch, renowned film director and Founder of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace.
Dr Facipieri said it had been a very interesting week. Dr David Lynch was in Milan for a couple of days, moving on to Rome and then to Palermo in Sicily. In Milan he inaugurated his show of arts, pictures, films, and different creative projects he has been involved with.
In Rome and Palermo Dr Lynch spoke only about Transcendental Meditation. In Rome different meetings were held with two very important politicians. Dr Facipieri and Dr Lynch also spoke to two offices of the government, in which the laws regarding culture and education are studied before approval. They spoke about introducing Transcendental Meditation in schools, the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, and Maharishi Peace Palaces. There was great interest in these projects and possible meetings with the Ministry of Education.
Italy is divided into 20 states, one of which is Lazzio, where Rome is, and another is Sicily where Palermo is the Capital.
Dr Lynch and Dr Facipieri attended a meeting with the governor of the region of Rome, which was very fruitful, regarding building a school for 800 students, which is the required number of Yogic Flyers for Italy, along with the Tower of Invincibility, a university, a spa, and agricultural buildings.
A press conference was held in Palermo, the capital of Sicily, attended by more than 30 journalists and the mayor of the city.
A conference for the public was held in a former church without a roof, which is now being used as an open-air theatre. It was completely full with more than 1,200 people, including a high number of young people. 'They were all interested to hear about meditation, about consciousness. It was a very nice thing to see so many people interested in spirituality,' Dr Facipieri said.
At one point it started to rain, but the people did not go away. Only a few people left; opening their umbrellas, all the others stayed there listening.
In the evening a banquet was held with journalists, where they announced the building in the near future of the palace for the Raja in Rome. The news was taken in a very positive way. Until now they have had 23 press reports on Transcendental Meditation, on Dr David Lynch, on the palace for the Raja of Italy, and for all the programmes that were presented.
At a private lunch with a prominent politician and his family, they spoke for about three hours about these projects. They have already had contact with a school with 800 students, arranged by this man.
Dr Facipieri said four other schools, with a total of 2,000 students, are interested to introduce Transcendental Meditation for their students. The local TM teachers will soon be signing agreements with these schools. So these schools and another one in Rome for 60 students can soon create invincibility for Italy.
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