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Invincibility accelerating through courses in Bolivia, Peru, Brazil
by Global Good News staff writer

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20 September 2007

Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja (Administrator) of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, reported on the accelerating rise of invincibility in his domain, through training courses in Bolivia in the advanced Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying; Transcendental Meditation (TM) Teacher Training courses in Brazil, where recent graduates enjoyed a beautiful address by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; and the application of Total Knowledge to enrich the experiences of new Yogic Flyers in Peru.

In Bolivia there are now about 400 Yogic Flyers in several Invincibility Schools in the area of La Paz. Dr Alvarez explained that the programme is flourishing under the excellent leadership of Dr Pedro Ojeda, who is in charge of the TM-Sidhi Programme; Dr Fernando Zubieta, Founder of Invincibility for Bolivia, who addresses the different groups as they complete their courses; and Bolivia's Chief Minister of Education, 'the most enthusiastic of the practitioners of the programme', who often attends all the celebrations and activities. Their next step is to enrich the 400 new Yogic Flyers with Total Knowledge of Natural Law—the Science of Creative Intelligence course and the curriculum that has been prepared by Dr Susan Dillbeck, President of the International Foundation of Vedic Education for mothers in every generation, and Raja Michael Dillbeck.

In three schools in Puno, Peru, students have been practising Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme for some months; and some have already completed their TM-Sidhi training. Dr Alvarez reports that 'in the next weeks they will complete the number of 700 Yogic Flyers in Peru'—the number required to create invincibility for the nation. He also said that these children are reporting very deep, special experiences in their TM-Sidhi practice. 'In their very simple language, they say that now they understand that the whole universe and they are one; or they see that they are so blissful; or that everything is within them; or that they can accomplish anything just by having a thought.'

In Brazil, Teacher Training Courses (TTCs) are creating teachers of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique. The country's first course graduated 40 men and 40 ladies from 14 countries last Saturday in Sao Paulo. Maharishi addressed the graduates, reminding them of the important role of a TM Teacher in society, and that there is no higher profession for maximum good to everyone. Maharishi also added one value to the Teacher Training Courses—that Vastu (buildings constructed according to the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda) has the same priority as Yogic Flying. So Teachers of his Transcendental Meditation should always live, work, and teach in places that have the rays of the morning sun, as they have the most healthy benefit for all activities. He also emphasized that it is so simple to transcend, and to teach, developing total brain functioning, and providing a blissful field of experience to everyone as well as the effortless fulfilment of their desires. Maharishi closed by re-emphasizing that it is the highest role of Teachers of Transcendental Meditation to be the teachers of mankind, held in a high position for the well-being of their nations.

A second such course of about 20 participants will end in about three weeks in the north of Brazil; and a third one is starting soon in the Caribbean and Venezuela with 20-25 more students. Dr Alvarez explained, 'So the tradition of TTCs is a permanent feature of our activities; and for that, special centres are being created. Every one should have the ability to become a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation, and have this knowledge to bless their nation.'

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