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Forty-eight hours of rapid progress toward invincibility in Latin America
by Global Good News staff writer

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18 August 2007

Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja (Administrator) of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace, recently reported on an extraordinary 48-hour period of rapid developments toward invincibility in Chile, El Salvador, Panama, and Brazil.

He began with a report on new administrative leadership in Chile where 'a lady mayor in charge of a district around the capital of Santiago has taken a very bold step to implement Consciousness-Based Education in all the main public schools, and a programme is now starting for about 1,000 of them . . . beginning next week.'

El Salvador, a country of 7 million people, is the most violent country in Latin America. Dr Alvarez said the mayor of its second largest city, Santa Tegla, 'has a very deep understanding of how to make good for his population. He has started a programme with our Teachers of Transcendental Meditation,' and the schools and police are also joining a group in a special programme that will bring enough Yogic Flyers—'870 are required in that nation, so much more than that has been established to create invincibility for that nation.' Further, the city's mayor is very interested in building a Tower of Invincibility in a park there.

In Panama, Dr Alvarez said, there are three main universities—a government university with about 70,000 students, and two others with 15,000 and 10,000 students. Suddenly, within two days, they all enthusiastically implemented an agreement for Consciousness-Based Education in their institutions. The same day the leader of a very sophisticated small school of 300-400 students in Panama City invited immediate institution of the programme there. Dr Alvarez said, 'It's like some big churning has been happening in Panama and now all these leaders of education . . . are waking up to their role for providing proper education to their students.

'In Mexico', he continued, 'the news is that two top schools—one is a very special Montessori school—are also completely ready; and they are also starting a programme in Mexico over and above the one that is being developed in the university in Chihuahua.'

Finally, in Brazil, a leading economist who practises Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying suggested applying for government support for special hallmarks or monuments for the nation, which is organized through tax benefits for large companies, to finance the building of their Tower of Invincibility.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

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