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Dr Bevan Morris describes a world without ill health - Part II
by Global Good News Staff Writer
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6 August 2007
As reported in Part I of this article, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, recently spoke at a press conference about life in a disease-free world. This can be achieved, he explained, through education—Consciousness-Based Education.
'Everyone has to be reconnected to the root of all life in the Unified Field,' said Dr Morris, 'and this will be key point for the future health of the whole human race, starting from now. Students will be taught at school, from a young age, the following important points for maintaining their own perfect health.
'They will learn to read their own pulse and be able to detect in their pulse any oncoming imbalances in the functioning of the physiology, and then know how to correct those imbalances through adjustments of diet or routine, or from various herbal preparations to rebalance the physiology.
'They will know that they must live in a house that is oriented to the cardinal directions—you enter from the East so that the door basks every morning in the glow of the enriching rays of the sunrise. If they do not, they will know that the house will make them sick in the end. (For more information see Maharishi Vedic Architecture.)
'The Vedic tradition of medicine explains that ill-health comes from past violations of Natural Law, either recent or long ago. Therefore, all students and all schools will know they must look into their own birth chart or Kundali and see when there will be future illnesses coming. On the basis of that prediction by the experts of Jyotish, the experts of this predictive science of Vedic Knowledge perform the necessary Graha Shanti (remedial measures).'
Dr Morris strongly recommended that students 'also learn that food is an absolutely critical point for life—that food must be organic, free of poison, and must be chosen according to the healthy quality of the food—ripe food, fresh food.
'Likewise herbal preparations, that can cause a wonderful nourishment of every fibre of the body down to the very fine connections between the physical structures of the body.
'They will learn how to live a good routine of life according to the seasons, according to the times of day and night, according to their age, according to the proper cycles of Natural Law.
'All of these and many other things the students will learn, they will be the masters—the students will know more than any doctor of the world now knows about how to maintain perfect health.'
Dr Bevan Morris spoke to his listeners about the point that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has made, that health is very much dependent on the environment in which people live.
'Everyone in the world, Maharishi said, is influenced by the environment in which they live,' continued Dr Morris. 'But fortunately, by the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Yogic Flying, it is possible to change the character of the environment.
'A stressed individual creates a very negative effect in their environment. Whereas,' Dr Morris pointed out, 'Maharishi said, a blissful man produces a positive healthy influence in the whole environment.'
Dr Morris emphasized that 'Maharishi said, it's an absolutely clear phenomenon, that is seen again and again. Transcendental Meditation is a way to experience good health, and this is the offer of invincibility to every nation.
'In the field of prevention of all disease, there is an expression from the Vedic Literature—Rite gyananna mukti—which means ''without the experience of enlightenment there can never be freedom from suffering''.
'Every student, therefore, in order to live a life free from the miseries of disease and other suffering,' concluded Dr Morris, 'must experience enlightenment as a result of their education.'
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.
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For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.
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