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Dr Bevan Morris reflects on the experiences of Unified Field-Based Education
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9 June 2007
Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, and Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, recently reflected on the experiences of Unified Field-Based Education, and said: 'At Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, we have the Invincible America Assembly. There are close to 2,000 people there, practising Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying and being guided by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and receiving also the scientific inspiration from world-renowned physicist Dr John Hagelin. In the midst of this large group practising Yogic Flying for long periods, twice a day, experiences are unfolding that are characteristic of a completely different time in the world - the time when the world was completely devoid of all suffering.
'It's called, in the Vedic Tradition, Global Raam Raj Dukh kahuna vyapa. It means that in the realm of the reign of Raam, in the realm of Raam, that is when totality of Natural Law, the Unified Field, was predominant in the national consciousness, then there was no suffering at all. So these students and professors and people from the top levels of research in consciousness gathered in Iowa, are having experiences of a calibre that is just phenomenal. . . .
'The experience . . . reported this morning was of the fabrics of golden light vibrating within that unmanifest abstract field of consciousness, and the whole dynamical flow of that field from infinity to its point, and from point to infinity, clearly, absolutely clearly experienced, and how that field, by curving back upon itself, in the expression of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, Prakritim svam avashtabhya vishrijami punah punah (Chapter 9, Verse 7), creates all the floods of Creative Intelligence that are responsible for the whole galactic universe... Even outside of their meditation programme, this individual said, 'walking along felt as if the sky with all the stars was the extent of what I am'.
'She said, 'I felt as if I was infinity walking', as if the tinyness of me had become a cosmic reality and this experience filled with the softness, sweetness, bliss, and love, and finding what was described as magical coincidences, that what was needed somehow just comes. This is just how it is described in the Vedic Literature. Maharishi has said this so often, that when the students start to get on this level, then the totality of the Laws of Nature which they are experiencing as the vibrations of their own Self, of their own unbounded consciousness, begin to completely support whatever they desire. Just by a soft thought, whatever is needed happens for them, very easily, effortlessly. Even as in this case, by magical coincidence, something happens even before you knew that you needed to have it happen. It just happens automatically.
'So this is the level of experience and this is going to be the nature of every child in the world by experiencing that transcendental self-referral consciousness during Transcendental Meditation. . . Whatever way we look at this, whatever way we consider it, if you consider the scientific research, if you were in a school like this for one hour, you would be completely amazed as all experienced educators are.
'If you just consider the reality of what this educational system is, and you then consider the reality of what is going on about you in education at this moment, when you consider also that such schools, by giving the children the best education in the world, automatically can create invincibility in national life, and when you consider finally that to do it is ridiculously easy . . . the conclusion is inevitable to do it now, to do it without a second's delay.
'To not do it would be a cruelty to the children of the world. . . . So this is the recommendation of the founder of this system of education, the great Vedic sage of India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—how to transform the destiny of any individual growing up in the world, and of every nation in the world, to a golden destiny.'
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