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Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Computer Science Professionals Program

Maharishi University of Management    Translate This Article
14 December 2006

This fall marks the 10th anniversary of the Computer Science Masters Degree program at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. The program has enjoyed continuous strong growth and has become the largest Computer Science masters program in the Midwest, and possibly in the country.

With our new Maharishi Sthapatya Veda® design building generously donated by Trustee Ted McLaughlin and Barb McLaughlin, the program has become successful in every way.

• 920 students from 52 countries have enrolled in the program since its inception
• 94 students currently study on campus
• 340 students are currently in practical training at U.S. companies and taking distance education courses
• 254 graduates work in over 150 companies across the U.S.
• 102 students and graduates are currently placed at Microsoft
• $60,000/year is the average starting annual salary of our students in practical training
• 500 U.S. companies have hired our students

In the current academic year, we anticipate enrolling 180 new students.

The program has become a major contributor to the University's finances. All our students pay full tuition, without scholarships or discounts.

The Computer Professionals program has created a strong national reputation for the University. 'Maharishi students' are in demand by company presidents, owners, and recruiters because of their highly developed personal qualities and technical abilities.

To support the students during their remote practical training, we offer a Distance Education (DE) program, for which we videotape all on-campus courses. Our DE department oversees the growing base of students and assists the DE faculty, many of whom teach courses remotely from around the U.S., and South America, Europe, and China.

Students are enthusiastic about the Transcendental Meditation® program and the Science of Creative Intelligence® course, especially as they experience enlightenment growing in their lives. The program is helping spread the knowledge and practice of Maharishi's programs around the country and world.

Some sample experiences:

'Got an amazing experience this month from the regular twice daily practice of TM. Did not even feel any stress in spite of all such new challenges to settle down to Tampa, Florida with the transition into new phase of lifestyle and with new job, new place, new people, new work environment, and even new home, and new platform. It is all because of the regular practice of TM.'

'TM has been an inspirational tool to my personal life and career like always. I am doing my regular TM practice twice a day. This is helping me to live each day in full.'

A look at the history of the programe includes:

• 1983 - Masters Degree program in Computer Science begins with 13 students.
• 1996 - Co-op format program with half-time study and half-time work at a Fairfield company is offered to 13 students.
• 1998 - Instituted current structure of full-time on-campus study for the first portion of the program, followed by 2 years of practical training anywhere in the U.S., on the basis of which students take out a loan to pay for the bulk of program costs. DE program instituted.
• 1999 - First group of Chinese students enroll.
• 2002 - Moved into the McLaughlin Building, the first Maharishi Sthapatya Veda academic building on campus, built through a generous donation by Ted and Barbara McLaughlin. This building has been a key element in the success and expansion of the program. It provides an uplifting environment to impart and receive knowledge and lends a high level of dignity to the program and all those associated with it.
• 2004 - First group of Ethiopian students arrive.
• 2005 - Accounting Professionals Program and Teachers Advantage programs are started by the Business and Education departments based on the success if the Compro format.
• 2006 - Fall enrollment exceeds 100 students.

Enrollment has grown progressively in recent years, especially as the IT job market has strengthened. We expect our growth to continue. Recently Money Magazine named computer programming as the number one job in the U.S. for security, flexibility, and pay.

®Transcendental Meditation, TM, Consciousness-Based , Science of Creative Intelligence , Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, and Maharishi University of Management are registered or common law trademarks licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation and used under sublicense or with permission.

Copyright 2006, Maharishi University of Management

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