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Bliss ... days are here again
by John Naish

The Times of London    Translate This Article
23 May 2006

On 23 May 2006 The Times of London reported: Donovan, renowned musician and long-time practitioner of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, will promote the TM Technique on a tour of universities throughout the US and Britain this summer, along with quantum physicist John Hagelin and filmmaker David Lynch. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of education.

According to the article, Donovan says that meditation is the jewel of the ideals of the 1960's—the time when Donovan first became famous. And now is the time to 'change the world with Transcendental Meditation'.

Donovan is quoted as saying: 'I had all the Western troubles of the psyche: anxiety, anger, stress and fear, which all cause illness. Over the past 40 years I have experienced the way this system [TM] has absolute healing benefits. ... I find TM is a supreme healing system. When you transcend, all the solutions to your problems appear. You dive into pure consciousness. It's amazing.'

The article reports that Donovan, 'still boyish at 60', learned Transcendental Meditation 40 years ago and spent time with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Rishikesh, India. He and his wife also went to Holland to see Maharishi four years ago.

Donovan says that 'Maharishi calls me his 'transcendental musician'.'

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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