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Oming in on ADHD; Transcendental Meditation may help
by Sarina J. Grosswald, Ed.D

Washington Parent    Translate This Article
15 October 2005

On 15 October 2005 Washington Parent reported: The Transcendental Meditation Technique (TM) is a simple and natural form of meditation that is showing great promise in helping children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related disorders such as learning disabilities, Asperger's (or autism), and mood disorders. 'TM doesn't just treat the symptoms, it can actually treat the cause, which means its use doesn't just create a temporary effect but can improve the condition permanently', wrote author of the study Sarina Grosswald. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of education.

According to Grosswald, ADHD, a developmental disorder, is the most common behavioural and psychiatric disorder among children. 56 per cent of children diagnosed with ADHD are on medication, and many will remain on medication throughout their lives. But, notes Grosswald, medication is often only partially effective, can cause side effects, and sometimes even exacerbates the symptoms associated with ADHD.

While non-drug options including biofeedback, dietary and nutritional alternatives, and acupuncture have been suggested, there is very little scientific data to support the effectiveness of most of these approaches. TM offers a simple, natural alternative with a strong scientific basis. Grosswald said that there have been more than 600 scientific studies in the past 35 years examining the effectiveness of TM for improving cognitive skills, moral reasoning and behaviour, academic performance and stress-related problems. Now groundbreaking research shows its effectiveness specifically with ADHD.

Grosswald explained how TM helps balance the brain chemistry of children with ADHD. She explained, 'ADHD is caused by improper levels in the brain of chemicals called neurotransmitters. The medications commonly prescribed for ADHD work by increasing the neurotransmitters in the brain. But these drugs are not a cure.

'The amphetamines in the ADHD medication artificially increase the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, speeding up the brain (thus the term 'speed' for amphetamines). This makes the frontal area of the brain more active. So when the child is on the drug, the communication networks are temporarily improved.

'But when the drug wears off, so does the improved brain networking. Not only is the underlying imbalance still there, but it's not uncommon to see a 'rebound' effect, aggravating the symptoms when the drug wears off. The child may be 'wilder', less focused, and even more difficult to control than before the medicine was started.

'Research shows that TM naturally creates balance in the brain chemistry, spontaneously improving the symptoms of impulsivity, attention, and self-control, by balancing the levels of the neurotransmitters. In other words, TM can create a similar effect in the brain as the common ADHD drugs without the negative side effects.

'ADHD medication temporarily manages the symptoms, only during the hours the drug is in the system. When the drug wears off, the problem is still there. TM treats the root cause of ADHD, improving brain integration. Additionally, the positive effect continues into daily activity and improvement increases over time.'

Grosswald cited a 2004 research study on children with ADHD conducted at the Chelsea School in Silver Spring, Maryland, US, which showed that practising the TM technique for just a few minutes twice a day improved attention, impulse control, problem-solving and organizational skills, and academic performance. The study also showed a reduction in stress, anxiety, and anger.

Grosswald concluded her article saying, 'Research has made it clear that TM is different from other meditation and stress reduction techniques. The success of the TM programme in increasing cognitive development is based on much more than simple relaxation. The unique physiological functioning of 'restful alertness' created by TM results in documented effectiveness in improving brain functioning that can make a profound difference for an ADHD child.'

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