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'Culture, Consciousness, and Natural Law': Seminar in Holland explores Maharishi's practical programmes
by Global Good News staff writer

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6 April 2014

∙ What is the basis for cultural conflict and what can be done to prevent it?
∙ Is it possible to maintain one's cultural identity in an increasingly globalized world?
∙ What is the importance of cultural traditions and mother tongue in promoting enlightenment?
∙ How does culture connect individual and cosmic intelligence?
∙ What five fundamentals are essential for cultural integrity?

A recent presentation at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Holland addressed these timely global issues, featuring the profound understanding brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of how Consciousness-Based Culture can meet the crucial challenges of today's ever-changing world.

The lecture, titled 'Culture, Consciousness, and Natural Law: Living Unity in the Field of Diversity', was presented by the Ministry of Religion and Culture of the Global Country of World Peace.*

Dr Chris Crowell, Minister of Religion and Culture, and Dr Ann Crowell brought out fundamental aspects of Maharishi's teaching in this rich field of knowledge. Their presentation was illustrated by quotations from historic lectures by Maharishi on many aspects of this topic, representing a new, much more expanded definition of culture.

'Cultural Integrity means all those values which are necessary to culture life, and to live life spontaneously in the direction of evolution. The result of cultural integrity is happiness, affluence, and harmony within the nation and complete impenetrability from any disturbing influences from outside. Cultural integrity is, therefore, the foundation stone of invincibility for the nation.'

A formula for unity in diversity

From the rain forests of Latin America to the deserts of the Middle East, from the mountains of Europe to the islands of the Pacific, Dr Chris Crowell explained, nature structures life in specific channels of intelligence, which promote peace, progress, and prosperity in each environment.

A vital culture offers a lively connection between our indvidual identity and cosmic destiny. However, never before has culture been so challenged as it is in today's globalized world.

One sees every nation struggling to maintain its cultural identity. In addition, increasing cultural diversity is creating enormous social pressures that break out into conflict again and again.

Everyone should know, Dr Crowell said, how the principles and practices of Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Culture can simultaneously preserve mankind's precious ancient and diverse traditions, yet promote progress in a world of peace and unity.

Some of the main themes explored in the presentation:
∙ Cultural Integrity: Life According to the Natural Law of the Land
∙ Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Cultural Integrity
∙ Cultural Integrity and Enlightenment
∙ Cultural Integrity and World Peace

The presentation at MERU was drawn from courses the Crowells have been developing presenting Maharishi's principles in this field. They have worked extensively with Maharishi to bring his programmes for cultural integrity to people and nations throughout the world.

They also noted the contributions of scientists such as Fred Travis, PhD, whose EEG research illumines the neurophysiological basis of the fundamentals of cultural integrity and the Vedic ideal, 'The World is My Family'. Also recognized was the work of Craig Pearson, PhD, author of the new book The Supreme Awakening, which explores the quest for enlightenment and experiences of higher states of consciousness that are part of all great cultural traditions throughout time.

This Global Good News series will continue to feature highlights of the recent major presentation on 'Culture, Consciousness, and Natural Law' by Dr Chris and Dr Ann Crowell at MERU.

* The Global Country of World Peace was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a consortium of educational organizations in more than 100 countries working to create a new era of peace, progress, and prosperity in our world family. It is a 'nation without borders', a home for peace-loving people everywhere. The domain of the Global Country of World PeaceĀ is consciousness—the prime mover of life—the ground state of natural law, the field of all possibilities. It is a non-political, non-religious global organization and does not usurp or replace any of the functions of existing governments.

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