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12 things successful people do before breakfast
by Laura Vanderkam

Financial Post / Business Insider (Canada)    Translate This Article
26 January 2014

On 21 January 2014 reported: ''They meditate to clear their minds. Manisha Thakor, a former corporate executive who founded and now runs MoneyZen Wealth Management, practices Transcendental Meditation to clear her mind. She does two 20-minute sessions a day, the first before breakfast and the second in the evening . . . . She's found it to be 'one of the most life-enhancing practices' she's ever experienced, she told time management expert Laura Vanderkam.'' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of culture.

The article on the Business Insider page of Financial Post draws on Ms. Vanderkam's recent book, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. In addition to waking early, exercising, planning and strategizing, and working on top priority business projects, meditating is included among 12 activities many successful people make a point of doing first thing. On the value of meditation, she also writes:

''Type-A personalities typically demand as much from others as they do from themselves, so it can be difficult for them to disconnect from their mental to-do lists and calm their minds. Before they head out the door, many successful people devote themselves to a spiritual practice such as meditation or prayer to center themselves for the rush of the day.''

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