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Beautiful location, 'life-changing' experiences inspire meditators at Croatia conference
by Global Good News staff writer

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18 September 2012

The success of a conference for young meditators, held recently in Croatia, bodes well for future such courses planned for the same area. Participants praised the beautiful location as well as the profound effect of practising Transcendental Meditation in a group with other young professionals and students.

The conference was held on the island of Hvar, with accommodations in modern apartments right on the harbour, with the water to the north.* Several participants mentioned the beauty of the turquoise Adriatic water and appreciated that the course factored in extra time for swimming and excursions.

This part of the world has a long history, dating back to ancient Greece, one of the organizers mentioned. There are Roman ruins nearby, and quite close to where the conference was located is a piece of land that, according to records, is the longest continually farmed land known in the world.

But the beauty and history of the location were just one element in participants' experience of the conference, which several felt was 'life changing'.

One young woman had just graduated from law school in London and was returning home to the Middle East to be with her family, in the midst of turbulence in her country. At the end of the conference she said it had 'completely transformed her life', one of the organizers said. 'She had been exposed to so much negativity', but the conference had just given her a 'completely new vision of life, a new hope for the future'.

'Transcendental Meditation is profoundly changing my life', another participant wrote; hearing presentations by David Lynch and others at the conference, he had become very interested in helping organizations teaching the technique and the David Lynch Foundation.

* One of the principles of Maharishi Vastu architecture and city planning.

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