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Global Good News participates in 'Good News for the Media' event - London, 19 September
by Global Good News staff writer

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19 September 2012

Global Good News is participating in an event in London, England entitled 'Good News for the Media', on Wednesday, 19 September.

The evening event is being held at the British Museum. Speakers include:
∙ Martyn Lewis — Former BBC news broadcaster
∙ Seán Dagan Wood — Editor of Positive News
∙ Jeremy Wickremer — Founder of Transformational Media Summit
∙ Jodie Jackson — Founder of What a Good Week

Announcements for the upcoming event describe it as 'an evening devoted to exploring the potential of good news'.

'When you speak to people in the media about good news,' the announcement goes on to explain, 'they sometimes consider it a less important form of journalism. However, the keynote speaker, the former BBC news presenter Martyn Lewis, will be discussing how solutions-driven journalism can be relevant, informative and powerful, and can show readers both sides of the coin.

'The event is not an attempt to argue against or ignore any of the world's problems, or to discredit journalism that informs us about these. But there are many fascinating good news stories out there that rarely get covered, and we will show the benefit that good news can offer to society and to the media industry itself.

'The editor of Positive News, Seán Dagan Wood, will talk about the importance of good news, the demand that exists for it, and the growing presence of media that are focusing on solutions.

'Jeremy Wickremer, founder of the Transformational Media Summit, will discuss how media is changing, the role of the media in society, and its effect upon us.

'There will also be a question and answer section during the event. The event is open to the general public and also includes a guest list of journalists and editors.'

The goals and approach of Global Good News are very much in tune with the purpose of this event. The event's popularity (all the free tickets were subscribed in advance) attests to the timeliness of its appeal.

Global Good News is please to participate, and salutes and celebrates the organizers' call for more balanced news coverage that highlights solutions to the world's problems.

For the past eight years Global Good News service has been bringing the good news from all areas of society to our whole world family. This news is posted to the Global Good News website in three categories:
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As a result of the launch of this Global Good News website on 12 January 2004, both the press and the public can enjoy inspiring, uplifting news daily and will begin to realize that good news is even more newsworthy than bad news.

What Is a Positive Trend? As total Natural Law is enlivened and the collective consciousness of the world rises, evolutionary trends will naturally emerge in every area of society. This inspiring news of trends that are more supportive to life is a clear indication of the rise of what His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi called the 'Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment'—a time of peace and happiness dawning in the world.

What Is a Success? Maharishi has designed life-supporting programmes for every area of society. These programmes are successful and fulfilling because they are based on Natural Law.

What Is a Flop? There is a growing awareness in the world that many features of the current approach in every area are actually life damaging. Even these 'flops', describing the failure of current systems, are good news in the sense that they highlight the need for more intelligent, life-supporting systems.

Global Good News invites readers to enjoy exploring our website as it documents the rise of a better quality of life for our whole world family.

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