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'New Paradigm' tour brings new knowledge to Vancouver and Palo Alto
by Global Good News staff writer
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21 April 2012
A special tour of 10 North American cities this spring—A New Paradigm: Veda, Consciousness, the Ramayana, and the Self—has been presenting to packed houses the latest discoveries about the Veda and the Ramayana, one of the great epics of Vedic literature, as 'blueprints' of the body and the entire universe: 'cutting-edge knowledge that can change the world', according to tour materials.
Mr Ramani Ayer, one of the featured speakers on the tour, described a few of the recent events in western Canada and the United States.
Mr Ayer is the first Fortune 100 CEO of Indian descent in the United States. In addition, he is a long-term practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and advocate of Maharishi Vedic Science, including the pioneering research of Tony Nader, MD, PhD, which has brought out profound knowledge about the structure and function of human physiology as an exact replica of the structure of total natural law in the Veda and Vedic literature.
In Vancouver, British Columbia, the first venue in Canada saw two events, primarily for the Indo-Canadian community. They were hosted by local Indian community centres, with two different presentations on two nights, to a total audience of about 400-500 people.
In addition, Dr Nader held a three-hour seminar for 120 people in Vancouver, an in-depth exploration of the new layer of knowledge brought out in his recently published book, Ramayan in Human Physiology: Discovery of the Eternal Reality of the Ramayan in the Structure and Function of Human Physiology.
Mr Ayer also spoke of the tour's events in Palo Alto, California, USA, which included a meeting with about 100 physicians of Indian descent and their spouses, and another meeting with local leaders in the Indo-American community. There was also an event for more than 200 practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, and a fourth for the general community, with over 350 people in attendance.
The tour 'has had an incredible impact on audiences everywhere that we've been,' said Dr Howard Chancellor, the host of the tour in each city.
'At every stop, people have been completely struck' by the knowledge being presented, he said, adding that after each presentation Dr Nader 'is immediately swamped by people wanting to ask questions. . . . It's been quite something to see and be part of.'
The whole tour is online at www.newparadigmtour.orgDr Chancellor said. People can also connect with the tour on Facebook®: Veda, Consciousness, and the Ramayana; and watch short videos of Dr Nader speaking on related topics at: He added that a 17-page preview of Dr Nader's new book about the Ramayana and human physiology is also available online.
Please see related articles: ∙ ''A New Paradigm: Veda, Consciousness, the Ramayana, and the Self'' - Tour visits 10 North American cities (purpose of the tour, speakers, venues) ∙ New Paradigm tour creates 'a wave of knowledge' across North America ∙ Indian community in US and Canada inspired by New Paradigm tour ∙ Creator of popular Ramayana television series honoured Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ∙ US: Business leader Ramani Ayer featured on New Paradigm tour
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