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Meditation Nation
by Joseph Hooper    Translate This Article
14 August 2011

On 14 August 2011 reported: ''Power brokers no longer motivate or medicate--they meditate,'' writes journalist Joseph Hooper. Increasing numbers of ''movers and shakers'' are learning Transcendental Meditation, introduced in the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a ''systematic, stress-reducing, creativity-building technique.'' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of culture.

As Transcendental Meditation teachers explain, during a 20-minute session ''when the mind has been calmed . . . it will effortlessly sink below the level of thought to 'pure consciousness' ''—a state of blissful relaxation—''which is the foundation of the health benefits that have been measured in the medical research amassed, much of it funded by the government'' [NIH], the article in the national magazine Details* states.

''The deep tranquillity TM promotes quiets the body's 'fight or flight' stress response, lowering blood pressure and anxiety and combating depression.''

The article mentions several elements in the rising cultural profile of Transcendental Meditation, including the recent bestseller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation by eminent Georgetown University psychiatry professor Dr Norman E. Rosenthal; and the work of the David Lynch Foundation, which ''aims to bring TM free of charge to those most in need of its calming effects—at-risk kids, prison inmates, veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress.''

Also noted are celebrity meditators including Russell Brand, Jerry Seinfeld, Heather Graham, and Ben Foster who have drawn media attention to the Foundation's work; as well as highly successful business leaders and entrepreneurs who practice Transcendental Meditation.

As top executives learn in Transcendental Meditation courses at the Center for Leadership Performance in New York, ''this kind of success is not coincidental. According to published research, TM enhances neural activity in the part of the brain that houses the decision-making 'executive center.' 'The businesspeople say they're more focused during the day,' '' says Bob Roth, vice president of the David Lynch Foundation, quoted in the article.

Click here to read the full article, 'Meditation Nation'.

* Details is published by Condé Nast, owner of some of the world's most prestigious magazines, including The New Yorker, Vogue, and Wired.

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