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Indigenous mothers' experiences with Transcendental Meditation: 'That serenity, that peaceful place brings a balance of wellness'
Global Mother Divine Organization Translate This Article
21 November 2010
Many traditional women leaders from around the world learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique at the time of the international women's conference—Restoring balance: The Indigenous Grandmothers' call to the women of the world—held recently in Fairfield, Iowa, USA.
Video interviews with some of the grandmothers were played during a report on the conference achievements, in the Global Mother Divine Organization's* November Full Moon celebration. They described the deep restfulness and peace they experienced during Transcendental Meditation (TM), as well as improvements in their physical and emotional health and well-being, starting from the beginning days of their practice.
Several grandmothers described the deep relaxation they felt during meditation: 'I felt relaxed. It's been a long time since I felt like that . . . . It's really good to meditate.' Another commented that while practising Transcendental Meditation in a group, a few days after learning the technique, 'I was totally relaxed, and I was really into that place . . . where they say you transcend into just the space of time, just Being.'
One grandmother spoke of how the experience of 'stillness, that serenity, that peaceful place. . . . brings a balance of wellness, that is like a flower that opens up to be receptive to everything on Mother Earth in a different light.'
Another of the revered grandmothers appreciated the sense of 'great accomplishment' she felt in learning and practising Transcendental Meditation—'for me to do it, just to sit in quietude, and to meditate, beyond the realm of living, beyond the realm of the now . . . .'
She described her experience that 'the beneficial part of it is a healing, from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet—and how powerful your brain is at that time, to create a balance within yourself . . . .'
Others also mentioned good effects they were noticing, soon after learning to meditate, on their health and physical and emotional well-being. 'I'm feeling a lot better since I've started to do the TM,' one said. 'I'm sleeping throughout the night, and I'm feeling a lot lighter, physically as well as mentally. I'm really feeling good, and so I'm really happy with being able to have this experience. I'd recommend to anybody.'
'Finding Transcendental Meditation has changed my energy level, my focus level, my rest level—it's changed my life in a profound way that has made me . . . more open and more receptive.'
The grandmothers' experiences are in line with extensive scientific research on Transcendental Meditation documenting its effects in reducing stress, improving health, and developing total brain functioning.
One grandmother spoke of the effect of Transcendental Meditation in dissolving the deep-rooted stress and pain she had been feeling from the past history of her people. 'I was so peaceful inside myself', she said, and felt the hurt, anger, and resentment slipping away. 'It just was so gentle, and it just allowed me to let go.'
One of the revered grandmothers expressed deep appreciation for attending the conference and being with members of the Global Mother Divine Organization, who are 'like an extended part of my family. The love and cooperation, and the treatment of kindness through compassion warm my heart.'
Global Good News will feature more comments from the indigenous mothers about Transcendental Meditation in the coming days.
Please see other articles in this series: ∙ 'Cultural integrity: The foundation stone of invincibility of the nation' ∙ 'Revered indigenous mothers of the world: Helping to restore life in accord with Natural Law' ∙ 'International women's conference: Enlivening the inner field of unity and harmony through Transcendental Meditation'
Register for webcast: The tapes from the international women's conference in October are being edited for online webcast. Please click here to sign up to be notified when the webcast is available.
* 'Mother Divine' refers to the nourishing, evolutionary power of Natural Law lively within all of creation and within the silent consciousness of everyone. The Global Mother Divine Organization, established in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace in 192 countries.
© Copyright 2010 Global Mother Divine Organization
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