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Celebrating the 
World Federation of Traditional Kings: Tenth anniversary, 24 October 2010
by Global Good News staff writer

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24 October 2010

The World Federation of Traditional Kings was inaugurated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the days following his founding of the Global Country of World Peace in 2000, to bring honour and support, and to fulfil the parental role of traditional leaders around the world.

The Global Country celebrated the tenth anniversary of the World Federation on 24 October 2010.

At the time of the inauguration of the World Federation of Traditional Kings, during an assembly of indigenous leaders from every continent at MERU, Holland, Maharishi expressed great appreciation for their heritage of peaceful administration throughout the ages. This heritage, he said, is a reflection of the cosmic government of Nature that upholds all of creation in harmony on the path of evolution.

Their long tradition of parental administration was based on love between the ruler and ruled, and provided unity and continuity for their people that allowed for maximum progress, peace, and prosperity. In this age of governmental conflict, Maharishi said, this should be a model of a peaceful administration for our world family.

During the tenth anniversary celebration, Dr Chris Crowell, Minister of Religion and Culture of the Global Country of World Peace, pointed out that Maharishi's gift to every level of government—whether it is the rule of a nation, a village, a family, or just the management of one's own life—is that it can be raised to be on par with the almighty government of Nature that silently provides perfect administration for all areas of life.

The cultures of each geographic and climatic area traditionally form a daily link to this higher intelligence of Nature to promote progress in a local region, Dr Crowell said. With the loss of knowledge and mother tongue and the disruption of foreign influences, this link to Nature becomes weakened and lost, and the culture loses its significance, vitality, and effectiveness.

Maharishi's Vedic technologies of consciousness allow total Natural Law to become enlivened in individual awareness and collective consciousness and restore cultures to their fullness so that once again, life will be lived in peace and fulfilment.

Global Good News will feature a second article about the ten-year anniversary of the World Federation of Traditional Kings in the coming days.

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