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From seed to mighty tree: Holland celebrates 40 years of success culminating in invincibility
by Global Good News staff writer
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9 September 2007
Today, Holland stands as an example to the international community of what the Vedic technologies of consciousness, brought to the modern world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, can do for a country. It was 40 years ago to the day, last Saturday—1 September—that Amsterdam's concert hall overflowed with people coming to see Maharishi for the first time in Holland. Indeed, a second talk had to be organized to satisfy the overwhelming demand.
A grand celebration in Lelystad was attended by 250 practitioners of Transcendental Meditation to commemorate the 40th anniversary. (See preliminary report of this event in Global Good News.)
Speaking on the Maharishi Channel on 3 September, Dr. Willem Meijles, Raja (administrator) of The Netherlands for the Global Country of World Peace, reported on the event, and the media coverage it had generated. Then, his Prime Minister, Dr. Paul Gelderloos, summarized the achievements of the national organization over the past four decades.
'It was a kind of big family meeting, with a very open and very warm feeling,' Dr. Meijles said. Previous National Leaders were honoured, including Jacques Uijen, the most recent National Leader, and their dedicated service was acknowledged.
Participants—who included 39 new graduates of the TM-Sidhi programme, and others, some of whom were meeting again for the first time in decades—enjoyed a video presentation, which reviewed events from the early days. This included footage of the first Teachers of Transcendental Meditation, as well as notable visitors such as the Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, and Marianne Faithful, all of whom were present in Amsterdam in 1967.
Holland's success is attributed to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Dr. Meijles attributed the obvious success of the organization in Holland—despite the country's one-time reputation of lagging behind international trends—to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi himself, who has resided in the country for 17 years. 'We can only say that it is due to Maharishi's presence, Maharishi's inspiration, and Maharishi's great dedication and devotion,' Dr. Meijles said.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi addressed the celebration as follows: 'Holland is the first country today, who is shining as a brilliant star of hope for the world, a brilliant star bringing the light of invincibility, radiating light of invincibility, to the whole world population.' He went on to congratulate the leaders of the Dutch organization: 'So congratulations to the people, and I'm very proud of you Raja Willem, that you have revived the memory of 40 years: they have brought a new sunshine for the new destiny of all countries—one hundred and ninety two countries—in the world.' (For a full account of this talk, see the report entitled: 'I begin to feel 40 years younger today'—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi addresses the people of Holland.)
Forty years of achievements are reviewed
An overview of the achievements of the Dutch organization in the past four decades was provided by Dr. Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace in The Netherlands:
'We have more than 100,000 Meditators, which is 0.7% of the population of the country [1% of a population has been shown to have a measurable effect of positivity]. Indeed we have 2,400 Yogic Flyers who, if they were all performing Yogic Flying together, would be six times the national requirement for invincibility. We have 330 teachers of Transcendental Meditation, the oldest of whom is 88 and attending the celebration.
'A great accomplishment is the Sidha Dorf [village] in Lelystad. It was built and financed by the Dutch government in 1985, just before Maharishi brought out the science of Sthapatya Veda [Vedic architecture]. Two years later, we started the Maharishi elementary school, which is still very, very active. This now also has a kindergarten. Together there are more than 120 children attending Consciousness-Based Education every day. We started last year two Invincibility Colleges and this month we hope to open the third in Roermond/Vlodrop.
'We have several Maharishi Ayurveda Spas and Maharishi Ayurveda Health Clinics. We just recently bought a very well regarded spa, catering to a wealthy clientele, which we are converting to a Maharishi Ayurveda Spa. We have the development corporation, Fortunate Living, building Maharishi Sthapatya Veda houses. It has delivered many houses in Vlodrop, and is now doing so throughout Europe.
'However, one of the most important achievements of the Dutch movement may be that we have been hosting Maharishi for 17 years now. It has been a very, very pleasant experience for all of us, because, apart from being close to Maharishi, Maharishi also uses Holland as a test garden. If he has an idea, he first tries it out in Holland. With Raja Willem, he created Invincible Holland, from April last year. To celebrate and commemorate these 40 years, we are now busy working on Invincibility Towers in Utrecht, Amsterdam, and The Hague.'
Dutch newspapers give in-depth coverage of the occasion
Two provincial newspapers in Limburg devoted their front pages to the 40th anniversary celebration, with beautiful pictures.
One, entitled: 'The beginning of Dutch invincibility' reflected that, 40 years ago, 'nobody could imagine that the Indian Guru would come to Vlodrop and never leave this place in Limburg. This, however, is an extra reason to celebrate 1 September exactly 40 years later.' Further on, the article comments: 'Young people are joining the movement again. But more importantly, Holland is invincible; Holland has been invincible since 12 April 2006, and will only become more invincible.'
The article goes on to thoroughly explain the mechanics by which national invincibility has been brought about through 400 Yogic Flyers, with the 'increase of positivity, and the disappearance of negativity'. On an inside page, the article continues under the heading: 'After Willem of Orange, the first founder of Holland, now Holland has got Raja Willem.' It says: ' . . . then comes the highlight of the festivities: Maharishi phoning from Vlodrop, talking about enlightenment and Holland being the lighthouse for the world. Maharishi shows his knowledge of Dutch history: ''Netherlands had his founder and first king called 'Willem', and now Netherlands has got Raja Willem. Hail to Raja Willem of invincible Netherlands!'' '
Copyright © 2007 Global Good NewsSM Service.
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