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Woman professional sees 'a bright future at 64, with TM slowing down the ageing process'
by Janet Hoffman

Transcendental Meditation Program for Women    Translate This Article
28 September 2015

In Part 2 of a recent interview with Janet Hoffman for the Transcendental Meditation Program for Women, Joyce Scott continues to reflect on her extraordinary life and successful career as a leading executive in the information technology industry, for the past decade as CEO of her own firm. Here she describes benefits she has found in both realms from her longtime practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

Please see Part I of this article: A Woman Professional's Road from Burnout to Success

JH: What benefits have you found in your personal life and career from practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique?

JS: TM enabled me to be clear in thought, mindful, and keenly aware during the years my two sons were growing up. Now my life is filled with real triumphs from these sons I love. They openly express their love for me. So do my daughters-in-law. I am very grateful they all stay in touch and make arrangements to spend time with me. That is a great gift as we are all very busy.

As a teenager, due to an injury, I was told I could never have children—yet I did, easily. I learned TM while pregnant with my second son, who I lovingly nicknamed The Magnificent. I believe my TM practice helped me to be the best mother to him and his older brother, who I love to call The Nubian Prince.

I have the sublime experience of mental snap shots of their subtle sounds, touches, smells, facial expressions, and I believe my conscious awareness during ordinary moments helps me to chronicle family events beyond the photos or videos. I experience an internal full body smile. I recall those moments and can carry and share them forever.

It has been very special to be an at-home role model for my sons and now for my 10 year old grandson who told me he Googled me this week and shared some things about me at his school. He tends to know me as the one who cooks and bakes for him, takes him on fun trips, and massages him after we've played too hard running and jumping all day. Family is my wealth.

I know what it takes to manifest a life beyond the ordinary with a career, love, and even a marriage that lasted 41 years. I continue to meditate twice a day and look forward to deepening love and growing my business; I see a bright future at 64 years of age with TM slowing down the aging process in many key ways. TM is my baseline for that future. My life now is about implementing the availability of the Transcendental Meditation program for others so that they will have a strong foundation for their dreams to come true too.

JH: Your firm is now well over a decade old and thriving. You offer your client companies support including such skills as handling pressure, leadership development, and increasing creativity. The published research on TM shows that it accomplishes these skills and more by unfolding the full potential of mental and physical health, including the enlivenment of the CEO (pre-frontal cortex) of the brain. Do you recommend the TM program to your clients?

JS: Yes and I see progress in the readiness level of many who know they need something. When I describe my reliance on TM, many people who know my past record of success and use me as an advisor realize I am revealing my secret to them.

This is a great time.

JH: I see that you have advised the US military and wonder if they have recognized the value of TM for increasing resilience and reducing PTSD?

JS: Yes, I know veterans who are very interested in learning TM and I support their interest by sending details, research findings, and news of scholarships where appropriate. This is one way to say 'thank you for your service' and really make a difference to active duty military with—often many—deployments and to veterans. PTSD is now being seen in long-retired military personnel who had no way to describe their issues, felt embarrassed, and suffered in silence too long. I am not at all shy about bringing this topic up and how TM will so effectively help them. Everyone who benefits from TM must share the knowledge of this great tool.

JH: Anything you'd like to add?

I would love to identify a way to work with the TM organization to bridge the practical applications I've found and shared informally for so long.

The future is so bright with TM—we will all need thick shades!

Janet Hoffman is the executive director of the TM Program for Women Professionals

Copyright © 2015 Transcendental Meditation Program for Women

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