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Leading investment banker reveals a simple key to efficient time management

Transcendental Meditation News UK    Translate This Article
11 November 2010

In an interview from Time Management Strategies magazine and website, Bob Jones, a Chief Investment Officer in New York City, talks about how regular practice of Transcendental Meditation 20 minutes twice a day helps him to use his time efficiently and reduce stress under pressure.

'Thе reason people gеt stressed аnd feel tοο busy іѕ thаt thеу hаνе tοο many things going on. Not all of those things are that important . . . .

'Transcendental Meditation helps you realize these are the things I need to do, and these are the less important that I can get to if I have time . . . . By being more thoughtful and focused you find you end up with a lot more time than you would without meditation. The relaxation I feel after meditating makes me feel recharged and refreshed so I can prioritize and get the things done I need to get done.'

Please see this news item on the official UK Transcendental Meditation website for the complete interview.

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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