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US: Center for Leadership Performance offers benefits for individuals, benefits for nation
by Global Good News staff writer

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1 January 2009

An employee of a major US company recently expressed how much she appreciates Transcendental Meditation as a new mother. Large groups of practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation Programme—such as employees at this company who recently learned the technique through the Center for Leadership Performance—not only benefit themselves, but also help create a more peaceful, harmonious, prosperous nation and world.

Discussing this phenomenon recently, Dr Mario Orsatti, Director of Communication in the administration of Raja Dr John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America for the Global Country of World Peace, said that the programmes offered by the Center for Leadership Performance have tremendous benefits both for the individual practitioner and for the society as a whole.

The individual employees at the company are reporting tremendous wide-ranging positive effects from Transcendental Meditation (TM) on all aspects of their lives.

Please also see Part I, Part II, and Part III, and Part IV of this article.

One employee said:

'I gave birth to my first child, just two days after completing my TM course. I attribute so many positive changes to TM. Life with a newborn is an extreme experience—it comes with so many joys and so many challenges. Although my son of course comes first, I realize that I also have to take care of myself in order to best care for him. It has been wonderful spending 20 minutes twice a day for ''me time''. Practising TM has been vital in helping me release stress, and create an inner peace, that no doubt, few first-time mothers have a chance to feel. What a blessing this has been for me.'

In addition to the benefits for the employees, the Center for Leadership Performance offers an important approach to create invincibility for the nation, Dr Orsatti said.

Maharishi's programmes in the field of business and economy provide a means to increase the success and good-fortune of companies and also to create peace, harmony, and prosperity in the nation and world*.

*Research shows that when one per cent of a population practises Transcendental Meditation, or when the square root of one per cent of a population practises the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying as a group, negative trends such as crime, violence, sickness, and accidents decrease, while positive trends increase.

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Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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