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Benefits of Maharishi Vedic Architecture in the workplace: Capturing infinity in Fortune-Creating Buildings - Dr Jeffrey Abramson
by Global Good News staff writer
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26 October 2008
Dr Jeffrey Abramson concluded his presentation on the 18 October Maharishi Global Family Chat, describing extraordinarily positive experiences of many people working in 2000 Tower Oaks Boulevard—the grand new office building constructed in Rockville, Maryland, USA by The Tower Companies, of which he is a partner.
The building combines the US Green Building Council's (USGBC) 'Designed to Meet LEED Platinum' criteria with principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture.
Please also see Part I and Part II of this article, which featured comments from many colleagues and employees describing increased energy, focus, productivity, and desire to achieve—while also noticing more happiness, contentment, serenity, and peace, both in themselves and in co-workers.
Concluding his talk, Dr Abramson summarized his personal experiences of working in a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda building and the innumerable benefits it has brought to his company.
'I think we would all agree that here in perfect Vastu in Fortune-Creating buildings, we have the basis for providing a successful and personally rewarding atmosphere in which to work. We hear how naturally this is evolving within people who work and spend valuable time within these transparent walls.
'When Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, offered Fortune-Creating buildings, he created a new physical science. Maharishi captured infinity through Fortune Creating architecture inside this building, and I find it fascinating how infinity can become the platform for everyone to work and think, but within walls.
'You would think, as one of my employees commented, that being outside would give you a closer and unobstructed relationship with nature. But no. Within these perfect walls where one finds the togetherness of all (principles of) Fortune-Creating buildings (such as proper orientation, proportion, placement, and a myriad of other principles taken together), the relationship with nature is more readily available. Why? Because infinity is captured in a Fortune-Creating building by the perfect replication of the architecture of the universe, or the totality of Natural Law.
'What we see is that it is naturally and innocently found working for you and upholding all your thoughts and actions. This is critical in any business, as people are the very basis of any company, and the cost of your workforce is more than ten times the cost of rent and one hundred times the cost of energy that runs the building. So it is wiser—it makes perfect business sense—to invest in your workforce, for it is the costliest and most critical aspect of your business.
'Even just a ten per cent improvement in the productivity of human capital will equal or offset the cost of rent. Buildings could never do that before, but now it is a reality with Fortune-Creating building technology from Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.
'What we have found now is that we have really created a healthy building, where businesses have a return on rent by increasing productivity, loyalty, fulfilment, health, creativity, and team-building of their work force to support the growth of the business.
'This is a building that works for everyone every day.
'Every business should have the asset of a Fortune-Creating building and if so, business will never be the same, and offices will never be the same old offices again. I think you will agree it was a very wise decision to move our business in here and create a winning workforce to grow our business.
'And on a personal note, this building has become like a dear friend. Like my colleagues and employees, I find myself running back to spend my day working in and feeling nourished by this gift of Fortune-Creating buildings that Maharishi has given to the world. I want to see it reproduced everywhere for everyone immediately.
'I warmly invite the real estate developers from your communities to visit and see for themselves and experience this shining example of Maharishi's Fortune-Creating building technology. As Maharishi said, 'Taste of the pudding is in the eating'. It is not in talk but in experience. Knowing and experiencing is believing.'
© Copyright 2008 Global Good News®
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