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The role of Transcendental Meditation in the unfoldment of leadership capability - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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23 March 2007

In the Global Press Conference on 21 March, Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the unique effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation in developing full brain potential for the unfoldment of leadership capability.

A question from the press asked what exactly does Transcendental Meditation offer executives in the highest levels of business or government to make them better leaders.

Dr Hagelin said that there are many possible angles to this question because the answers are very deep and profound. 'But everyone of us has within us a CEO (chief executive officer), a dynamic leader, and that is called the CEO of the brain.'

The pre-frontal cortex, which sits at the front of the brain, in front of the cortex, is also traditionally called the higher brain, said Dr Hagelin. 'The higher brain sits over the entire brain and exerts executive control over the entire brain. It organizes the activity of the whole brain, and therefore is called the CEO of the brain,' Dr Hagelin explained.

This higher brain, the CEO of the brain, is responsible for all our higher functions: learning or judgement, planning, moral reasoning, the ability to consider the implications of one's actions, foresightedness and so forth—these are the higher functions that separate the human brain from the primitive brain of other species, Dr Hagelin said.

'The higher brain and its proper development is absolutely indispensable to exhibit true leadership qualities: the ability to make decisions that avoid mistakes, decisions that are far-sighted, that are comprehensive, naturally right, that will be maximally effective—the higher brain sits as a rational filter against primitive, impulsive, aggressive, violent impulses in the so-called lower brain,' said Dr Hagelin.

So the higher brain is responsible for our own executive control, our own leadership, all the higher human functions. 'Unfortunately,' said Dr Hagelin, 'under stress, this prefrontal cortex shuts down.'

'The higher brain shuts down, and what is left is the reactive brain, as it's called, and we behave purely in a reactive mode without capability of foresight, without breadth of comprehension, without real executive control over our reaction,' said Dr Hagelin. 'That is the so-called fight or flight response of the brain.'

Under stress the higher brain shuts down, so the stressful work place is not conducive to proper far-reaching, comprehensive, executive decisions.

Global Good News will feature Part II of this article tomorrow 24 March.

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