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Meditate on this: Getting the edge on trading - and on longevity too?
by Robin Goldwyn Blumenthal

Barron's    Translate This Article
9 May 2005

On 9 May 2005 Barron's reported: Barrons reported, 'Even as the American Heart Association disclosed that obesity, a major cause of heart disease, is growing fastest among people earning over $60,000 a year, another study showed a possible antidote to the high blood pressure that afflicts many who ply their trade on Wall Street: Transcendental Meditation.' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of business.

Barron's writer Robyn Goldwyn Blumenthal referred to the recent research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme (TM), published in the 2 May issue of The American Journal of Cardiology—a long-term study of 202 seniors with high blood pressure that showed a 23 per cent decrease in death rates for those that practised the simple mental technique.

Goldwyn Blumenthal went on to quote Robert Schneider, lead researcher on the study and director of the Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention at Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, as saying that there were about 600 studies that verified that the Transcendental Meditation Programme provided 'consistent improvements in psychological and physical health'. He conveyed his hope that this latest reseach, added to all the previous research, would cause policy makers and health-care reimbursers to view TM 'as an effective prevention modality'.

She also talked to Noel Bairey Merz, medical director of the Preventive Cardiac Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA, who said that the TM study 'is consistent with what we have observed in our research'. She indicated that the technique is now considered as an additional tool for treating patients with cardiovascular disease.

This is not the first time that Barron's has reported on the benefits of TM. In April 2004, TM was the subject of an article, 'Mind over Markets', which indicated that the stress-reducing technique could help traders improve their performance.

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