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Hill turning over a new maple leaf
by Colleen Simpson

The Press (Christchurch, New Zealand)    Translate This Article
21 May 2004

New Zealand -- Speaking at Thrive Mainland in Christchurch yesterday, Michael Hill said the company [Michael Hill Jeweller] continued to push on in Canada after initial difficulties had been ironed out.

He also spelled out one of the secrets to his success -- transcendental meditation. In the last 18 months, the company had gone from being the worst performing store in every mall it had space in to being the highest earner per square metre in the same malls. . . .

Hill said the company, which employs 1750 people, had designs on entering the American and British markets within the next few years. 'If you think the future looks exciting, I can tell you it looks bloody marvellous,' he said.

When the company initially made public its intentions to enter the Canadian market, Hill said it met with a barrage of scepticism that it would be successful. 'It was the same cracked record we heard when we went to Australia,' he said. The firm now has more than 80 stores across the Tasman.

He told the Thrive audience one of his secrets to success was thinking with a clear mind, focusing on only one thing at a time. Hill. . . extolled the benefits of exercise and transcendental meditation to quieten the inner voice. 'It becomes quiet and when it becomes quiet it (the mind) will be able to function fully,' he said.

'I really strongly believe that I'm only as good as my body and mind. It all works together.' . . .

Yesterday's event was attended by 350 people, easily beating the organisers' target of 300. The audience was given a series of talks by leading business figures including Hill, Ross, Pacific Blue chief executive Tony Marks and World fashion designer Denise L'Estrange-Corbet.

Copyright 2004 The Christchurch Press Company Limited

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