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Fall of the Berlin Wall: 'The battle was fought on the level of Silence' - Col Gunter Chasse
by Global Good News staff writer

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14 November 2009

Raja Emanuel Schiffgens and Lt Col Gunter Chassé continued their recent report* on the fall of the Berlin Wall, recounting developments that led up to the stunning events of November 1989, when the Wall came down. They explained that all of this was a result of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's initiatives to create a powerful influence of coherence in Germany and globally, through groups of Yogic Flyers and a large group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India.

Please see Part II of this article.

Raja Emanuel is Raja of Invincbile Germany for the Global Country of World Peace. Col Lt Col Gunter Chassé** is Deputy Minister of Defence for the Global Country of World Peace.

After the coherence-creating initiative began in September that year, a new government came into office in East Germany. There were discussions of easing travel restrictions. However, 'the issue was never officially approved,' Raja Emanuel said. Then, on 9 November, during a televised press conference, the Minister of Information inadvertently announced that the borders were open, effective immediately.

Within minutes, the stunning news was reported worldwide. East Berliners flocked to the borders—at one location there were 20,000 people, recalled Raja Emmanuel. 'Normally, the East German guards would have been ordered to shoot, but instead they let people through. This happened spontaneously at eight border crossings,' he said. 'The Chancellor of West Germany, traveling in Poland, rushed back to Berlin in total disbelief.'

Col Chassé added, 'East Berliners poured through the Wall into the open arms of the West Berliners. . . . It was very moving. This shows how Invincible Defence works—the battle was fought on the level of Silence, by people closing their eyes, practising Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.

'This miracle was not achieved by conventional military force,' he added. 'Divided Germany had the highest concentration of weapons in the world. This could not explain such a unification in the collective consciousness as we witnessed 20 years ago.'

'Maharishi's comment was that this was done by Nature,' said Raja Emanuel. 'The technology of peace is to use the field effect of consciousness—the Unified Field of Natural Law—to create invincibility, to enliven positivity—this is the power of Yogic Flying.'

'The responsibility for the good fortune of the nation lies with Yogic Flyers. It is not the government, the politicians, or business leaders who can guarantee life in freedom. This is a very clear example that governments act in accord with the collective consciousness of the people. [A government] can't do otherwise.'

Raja Emanuel concluded, 'We can, and need, to do this again, to keep creating the coherence that will bring permanent invincibility to every nation.'

* Raja Emanuel and Colonel Chassé's report was featured on the 9 November Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

** Col Chassé is a retired officer in the German Air Force. Maharishi honoured him with the title 'Founder of Invincible Germany'.

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